Our Services


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, commonly referred to as CBT, is a talking therapy which helps you to develop coping strategies to deal with a variety of problems you may be facing… Read more


An employee assistance programme, commonly known as an EAP, is an employee benefit scheme provided by an employer. EAP’s are often used to assist employees…

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, referred to as EMDR, is a method of therapy which integrates many therapeutic elements of principles and procedures… Read more

Counselling  &  Family Therapy

Counselling is a talking therapy which can allow a patient to discuss their issues and emotions in an open and discreet environment. The counsellor is trained to listen… Read more

Psychological   Assessments

A Psychological assessment is a tool to evaluate a person’s behaviour, personality and capabilities. The purpose of an assessment can be wide ranging, however…

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Initial Needs   Assessments

An Initial Needs Assessment is a method of determining a client’s cognitive and psychological needs in order to effectively plan rehabilitation or facilitate a return to normal…

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